Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Impossible numbers...and Japanese condiments

So I just added this counter thing at the bottom of my blog. At Luyi's advising. Though very late. But it says I've had over 30,000 hits. That can't be right can it? Bloody faulty thing. Like the water metre. All wrong.

Yakitori for dinner. When I first gave birth to Wolf I was so not bothered to go out to a Japanese grocery store to get yakitori sauce that I ordered it online. Lazy. Or extravagant? In any case it was pretty bloody good stuff. I got it from this place called Kei's Kitchen. Run by a lady called Kei and her daughter Masako, they call Kei's kitchen a 'very small "cottage" concern'. I love that. I love the idea of cottage businesses. I plan for that soon. When I get some cash to buy some screen-printing materials. From their online 'deli' I bought their Yakitori sauce, Noodle-salad dressing and some Nori. It came within a week. They do Kaiseki cooking classes in Sydney as well. I'd never bought food online till then. Call it what you will. Josh just sighed very emphatically when I put the order through. Where the hell would I buy Japanese cooking condiments on this side of town anyway?

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